Three journalists and (bike) activists talk about the way cars have shaped our society and how to change things to better accomodate bikes and pedestrians. They’re all white and cis.
(Trois journalistes / militants discutent de la surreprésentation des voitures dans nos vies et de pourquoi les vélos c’est bien.)
Link to one of the first episodes, about automated vehicles:
Electric cars and how to greenify the American lifestyle! Aaron Naparstek especially talked with Tom Bodett who has a Tesla, a big house, does not want to live a frugal life, but still has a net-zero carbon emission life. I like that it shows that another way is possible, that you can be an average American who love cars and be environmentally conscious.
Cars vs bikes! One host of The War on Cars talks with people in rural Vermont about how and why they bike instead of taking their cars.