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I’m Azaliz ! You can call me that or any diminutive of that name.
Short version
28 years old
French & white
Long version
Use they/them pronouns to talk about me.
Privilege check: I’m 28, living in France. I’m white, abled, thin, upper middle class. Very left-leaning. I’m also quite queer, regarding both my gender and my relationships (bi, polyamorous, probably on the ace spectrum).
In the words of the Thirsty Sword Lesbians TTRPG, I:
Support racial liberation, intersectional feminism, and queer liberation
Respect transgender people, nonbinary people, intersex people, and women
Respect racialized people; respect Black, Indigenous, mixed-race people, and other people of color
Respect sex workers
Respect disabled people
Respect immigrants
Respect lesbians and other people with queer sexualities
Respect people experiencing poverty or homelessness
Respect neurodivergent people, such as those on the autism spectrum
Respect fat people and people of all body types
Current interests: the MCU , novels written by/with queer/POC folks, accessibility (both in buildings and online), my work (public transport related).
You can contact me on Mastodon ; if you’re not on Mastodon but you stumbled on this website, well, you should know how to contact me.
Advice as to how to address me
Preferred: no honorific
Fine with: mx., comrade
Not fine with: mr., sir, ma’am, ms., madam
Type of person
Preferred: person, pal, adult
Fine with: dude, buddy
Okay if it’s jokingly: man, lady, bro, sib
Not fine with: woman, boy, girl, sis
Preferred: pretty
Fine with: handsome, cute
Okay if it’s jokingly: hot, sexy
Relationship names
Preferred: friend, partner
Fine with: joyfriend
Okay if it’s jokingly: beloved, boo, darling
Not fine with: boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife
Last updated on 06 Jan 25