Creating a static website

I like to share notes and information with Internet friends, and sharing .md files over Nextcloud was nice but not very intuitive. After hearing Pixel talk for a while about his website and digital gardening, I wanted to do the same!

I wanted to use something like GitHub Pages, but without GitHub because I heard it’s problematic. Not open source enough I guess.
After asking around, I decided to use Codeberg Pages – same idea, but more open source and smaller: I like smaller.

In order to use Codeberg, I:


I was advised to use Jekyll as a static site generator (since I know almost nothing of HTML, it seems like the safest bet).

Windows install

Following the Windows installation procedures I installed Ruby 3.0, ran the ridk install command, then opened the Ruby command prompt window as administrator from the Start menu and installed jekyll nicely. (I tried a first time and something went wrong, maybe I hadn’t run the installer as administrator so it didn’t have PATH access rights)

I then got stuck at… step 1 of the step-by-step tutorial.

After I got this solved, the rest of the tutorial was very smooth! I love the feeling of seeing things suddenly come together.

Edit years later: for Linux, I only had to follow the simple instructions on the adequate page Jekyll on Ubuntu.

Generic thoughts on Jekyll

Jekyll is such a nice tool: once you get it to build your website locally, the site will automatically update every time you change something in a file. (Except for the Jekyll config.yml file, for this one you have to restart the server.)

One last advice: by default, Jekyll builds the website in a folder named “_site”. However, the Codeberg Page repository has to be named “pages”. What I did is:

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Tags: tech

Last updated on 06 Jan 25